Let's get our offices
into shape

Design & Creation - Carry strategy into the offices


How to get your office into the perfect look

Depending on how you operate, choose the perfect solution for your team.

Option 1

Download & Print

You have your local printing agency? Perfect. Take a look below and download the files you need.

Save the printable PDF on your hard drive and send it to your printer. They will know what to do with it. 

Option 2

Order & collect

You are coming over to Minden for a cup of coffee or want to order printed posters from us via post? No worries just drop us a note in the form at the bottom and send us a list of posters you need. 

Option 3

Not enough?

Posters are not enough for you? Let's think bigger. We commulated some ideas how to optimize the office environment. Take a look and let's talk about your specific needs. 

Office design made easy

Tips & tricks for the perfect arrangement


Pick & Mix your favourite posters

Simply select the appropriate motifs and save the printable PDF in the desired size. Print them in formats that fit your office best. 

P1 - Manifesto

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P2 - Cooporation

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P3 - Thinking

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P4 - Customer

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P5 - Manifesto

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P6 - Bulli

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P7 - True Partnership

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P8 - Partnership

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P9 - Creative

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P10 - Around The World

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P11 - Passion

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P12 - Cool Beans

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P13 - Latte Macchiato

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P14 - Cappuccino

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P15 - Café Crème

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P16 - Espresso

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P17 Coffee Specialities

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P18 - Coffee Specialitities

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P19 - Getränkevielfalt

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

P20 - Latte Art

A1 [PDF]

A2 [PDF]

A lot of coffee needs a lot of wall.


Post Cards, Sticker & Tattoos

Simply download the printable sheets and provide them to the printer. Frames for posters are in stock in Minden. We are happy to provide some for the offices. 

Post Card-Set

Set with 10 different designs. 

A6-Pastcards [PDF]


Set with different designs 

A6-Sticker [PDF]


Set with different designs 

A6-Tattoos [PDF]

Wooden frame

Orderable in Minden

Order your starter package

We put together a starter package for each country on request.
Included in the standard package are: 

+ 7x A2/A3 graphics on wooden boards

+ 10x posters incl. frames

+ Postcards

+ Sticker + Tattoos

+ 1x Individual design for a larger wall/room in consultation

Order Your Package Now

Get in contact with us

For standard poster packages, simply fill out the form below. Individual compositions and ideas - get in touch with us!


Individual Packages

Maline Thielepape | Marketing
Tel: +49 571 5049 236
E-Mail: [email protected]

Standard Order

Christian Schmidtchen | Marketing
Tel: +49 571 5049 305
E-Mail: [email protected]

Hans Moldenhauer | Advertising materials warehouse
Tel: +49 571 5049 386
E-Mail: [email protected]

Order your posters and stickers now

Simply fill out the form and order various poster and picked them up in Minden or have them sent to you. 

 Order sets