Experience the ease of preparing a variety of drinks
World of Coffee Copenhagen
The World Coffee Events of the Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) stop off in Europe once a year. After Athens 2023, coffee lovers and coffee professionals will be drawn to the World of Coffee in Copenhagen from 27-29 June 2024. Melitta Professional will be exhibiting for the first time. ‘Experience the ease of variety’ is the motto at the ‘Home of Coffee Lovers’. Event guests are invited to experience the ease of preparing a wide variety of coffee beverages.
27 - 29 June
Bella Center Copenhagen
Booth – DE-011
København, Denmark
Signature drinks prepared automatically. Test, enjoy and talk shop with our experts
Espresso, filters, nitro: What's possible with technical excellence? Let's meet up to try things out and exchange ideas
Meet our Experts
"The Latte Art World Championship will be held in Copenhagen for the first time on a fully automatic machine. We are happy to take advantage of this attention and invite the international community of coffee enthusiasts and professionals to explore the options of preparation at the touch of a button with us."
Stefanie Heidemann,
Melitta Professional Academy, SCA juror
The team in Copenhagen
Meet our experts on site for interesting discussions and delicious drinks.



