Gastrotel - Coffee experiences live

With the kind permission of the trade magazine gastrotel, read the exciting interview with Steffi Heidemann, Training Manager at Melitta Professional and international judge of the Speciality Coffee Association (SCA).

‘A good cup of coffee should be balanced’ 

In the ‘Home of Coffee Lovers’ at Intergastra and Internorga, she brought the diversity of coffee to life at the trade fair: barista Stefanie Heidemann. Now she shared her knowledge with gastrotel. The questions were asked by Yvonne Ludwig-Alfers

gastrotel: Mrs Heidemann, how did you get into coffee professionally and why did you choose it?
I actually got into coffee by chance. While I was studying journalism and politics, I worked part-time in the catering trade.
working in the catering trade. At some point, I had enough of tapping beer in pubs and beer gardens in the evenings and switched to daytime catering. There you automatically have something to do with coffee as a product. From then on, I was fascinated by the subject of coffee and never let go, so I made coffee my profession.

gastrotel: What does the flavour in the cup depend on? Is there a typical coffee flavour?
The flavour of coffee depends on many different factors: Where does the coffee come from, how was it processed and roasted, how carefully was it prepared? For a delicious cup of coffee, many components have to work together successfully. A good cup of coffee should be balanced, it can have a fruity acidity, should have sufficient sweetness and a good body and a pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste.

gastrotel: What should caterers look out for when selecting coffee beans?
The choice of coffee beans should be based on the flavour preferences of the guests. The better I know my guests, the easier it is to cater to their tastes. Which drinks do I want to offer, coffee or espresso or milk specialities with different milk alternatives? What are my guests' expectations in terms of sustainability or transparency? The restaurateur should then make their selection. In my opinion, the freshness of the coffee beans and the consistent quality of the roast are crucial for a successful coffee business.

gastrotel: Are there differences between standard beans from the supermarket and the catering range from the numerous suppliers?
The main difference between the catering range and the classic supermarket product is the composition for completely different target groups. The catering range is tailored to the needs of professionals and also to preparation on professional machines. This can be the composition of the coffee blend, but also a specific roast profile, which is particularly suitable for preparation on professional fully automatic machines. In addition, the catering range is usually only available via direct sales or special retailers, which can again lead to a unique selling point in the competitive market.

gastrotel: How does a caterer achieve consistently good coffee quality?
Consistently good coffee quality can be achieved through careful selection of ingredients and equally careful preparation. This can be supported by a fully automatic coffee machine that offers consistent coffee and milk foam quality at the touch of a button or by investing in the appropriate training for employees. Coffee should be given the same importance as all other products on the menu, be it cakes and pastries, snacks or hot dishes.

gastrotel: When is a professional portafilter machine recommended?
The purchase of a portafilter machine alone has no influence on the coffee quality, in fact the opposite is the case. If
If the caterer decides in favour of a portafilter machine, a correspondingly powerful grinder is also required. This is even more important than the machine itself. And then the quality of the beverage stands and falls with the level of knowledge of the staff. Thorough barista training for the team is essential for this set-up.

gastrotel: What trends are you currently observing among guests in the catering industry?
In my opinion, there are currently two trends in coffee that have become indispensable in the catering industry: plant-based milk alternatives and cold coffee creations. Both are nothing new, but still offer caterers the opportunity to set themselves apart from the competition with simple means. In addition to cow's milk, oat milk in particular has established itself in the German coffee market - in many cafés, more coffee specialities are now prepared with oat milk than with cow's milk. Now, as summer approaches, cold coffee drinks are also becoming more popular again. No longer just the classic German iced coffee, but above all creations that are easy to prepare with ice cubes, such as iced latte or iced Americano, or cold-extracted coffees such as a cold brew. With just a few ice cubes, a variety of refreshing, summery coffee drinks can be prepared.